Our Dedicated Flagstaff Injury Lawyers Explain How to Handle a Call With the at-Fault Driver’s Insurance Company After Your Car Accident

You must be very cautious if you talk to the negligent driver’s insurance company after being injured in a Flagstaff or Northern Arizona car accident. The insurance company may not treat you fairly, even if you did nothing to cause the crash.

Talking to an insurance adjuster after your car crash

Our experiencedlagstaff personal injury lawyers at Griffen & Stevens Law Firm, PLLC understand the pitfalls our clients face if they speak to the other driver’s insurance company. When you retain us, we’ll take over all communications with the insurance company, collect the evidence you need to help prove your claim, and advocate for your right to fair compensation. 

Why the Insurance Company Contacts You After Your Flagstaff Car Accident

Don’t be surprised if an insurance adjuster calls you soon after your crash—even within hours of being injured. Or, you may still be in the hospital when you receive this call, and you may not have had time to file a personal injury claim. Their first objective is to investigate your claim and decide whether to offer you a settlement.

However, insurance adjusters have another objective: to save their company money and pay you as little as possible for your injuries. By getting you to make statements that can be misrepresented during the settlement process or during a trial, they may be able to deny your claim and pay you less compensation than you deserve. Here’s what insurance adjusters are trying to do when they speak to you:

  • Get you to make inconsistent statements. The insurance adjuster will look for any inconsistent statements you make about the car accident or your injuries. They may use your statements to argue that you aren’t being truthful or you were actually at-fault for the crash or partially to blame for it. These statements can jeopardize your personal injury claim.
  • Get a recorded statement. The insurance adjuster may try to get you to give a recorded statement, claiming they need it to settle your claim. Don’t say yes to their request. No matter how careful you are, you could say something that hurts your claim for compensation.
  • Get access to your medical records. The insurance adjuster may also ask you to sign their medical authorization. It’s important not to sign it. Insurance companies don’t need access to all your medical history. Giving them access would allow them to search all your medical records for evidence of a prior preexisting injury they can use to try to deny your claim.
  • Get you to accept a low settlement offer. If the insurance company knows you have a strong claim, they may immediately offer to settle. However, the settlement will likely be far less than what you’re entitled to. You should never agree to settle your case without first consulting with our experienced personal injury lawyers.

Essential Tips for Handling a Call From the Insurance Adjuster After Your Flagstaff Auto Accident

You may be unable to avoid having at least one conversation with the negligent driver’s insurance company. Here’s how our personal injury legal team recommends you handle the call:

  • Get contact information. First, you should get the insurance adjuster’s name, phone number, email address, and claim number. Your attorney will need this information to file your claim and negotiate your settlement.
  • Limit what you say. Only provide facts about the crash: where it happened and the date and time. Avoid discussing the cause of the collision, and don’t give your opinion or unnecessary details.
  • Don’t apologize. It’s important not to make statements that can be misconstrued. Be careful not to say “I’m sorry” or “I wish I hadn’t done that,” which the insurance company may try to present as an admission of guilt.
  • Don’t discuss your injuries. Be careful about making statements regarding your injuries. It’s okay to say you were hurt, but you don’t want to give details. You may not know how serious your injuries are immediately following the collision, and the insurance adjuster could use your statements to argue that your injuries aren’t very severe.
  • Don’t sign anything. You should never agree to sign paperwork or documents without first consulting with our personal injury lawyers.

Protect Yourself When the Insurance Company Contacts You

If you receive a call from the at-fault motorist’s insurance company, your best strategy is to firmly tell them you don’t want to discuss your claim and you will have your attorney contact them. Then, immediately consult with our personal injury lawyers at Griffen & Stevens Law Firm, PLLC.

We will determine the cause of the car accident and collect the evidence you need to help prove the other driver caused it, and we’ll work hard to get you the compensation you deserve. We’ll take over every step involved in negotiating your settlement, so you receive the total value of your claim. If necessary, we’ll file a lawsuit for you before the two-year statute of limitations expires under ARS §12-542 and will aggressively litigate your case.