Our Flagstaff Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help Prove the Cause of Your Car Accident Even if the Liable Driver Lies

Being injured in a Flagstaff car accident can be extremely traumatic, and your level of stress can increase if the driver who caused the crash lies about it. Suddenly, you must prove you're telling the truth to obtain the compensation you deserve for your injuries. When negligent drivers lie about an accident

Our experienced Flagstaff personal injury lawyers at Griffen & Stevens Law Firm, PLLC understand how frustrating it can be when the driver's untrue statements make settling your claim more complicated. Here, our legal team discusses how we help disprove their lies and fight for your rights with their insurance company.

Why Negligent Drivers Deny Causing a Car Accident

Many at-fault drivers don't tell the truth about the cause of car accidents for a variety of reasons. They may be worried about their insurance premiums increasing or their driver's license being suspended if they get another ticket. Even worse, they could fear being arrested if they committed a crime or have a warrant out for their arrest.

Whatever the reason, you don’t have to be at the mercy of their lies and/or claims you were totally or partially at fault. Here are the top things our personal injury lawyers see negligent drivers lie about:

  • Driving while intoxicated. Drivers frequently don't tell the truth if they're driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Under ARS §28-1381, they could be arrested for a DUI or a more severe felony if you suffer serious injuries in the accident.
  • Speeding. Drivers also lie about speeding, especially when they were driving at an excessive rate, which could lead to a charge of reckless driving.
  • Tailgating. If the driver was driving too close to your vehicle and caused a rear-end collision, they may lie and claim you stopped suddenly for no reason or were distracted, causing the crash.
  • Distracted driving. If the motorist was talking on their cellphone, texting, eating, drinking, or was otherwise distracted, they may not admit this because they know they'll be found to blame for the car accident. Our legal team can obtain their cellphone records to disprove their lies.
  • Drowsy driving. Drivers also frequently refuse to tell the truth if they know they were too tired to drive safely or fell asleep at the wheel and caused the collision.

Crucial Steps to Take if the at-Fault Driver Lies About Your Flagstaff Car Accident

If the at-fault driver lies to the police or to the insurance company about how your auto collision happened, you should take steps to protect your rights and prove the true cause of the wreck. Here are vital steps our personal injury attorneys recommend you take:

  • #1 Remain calm. Following the accident, you should stay calm and avoid getting into an argument with the negligent driver. The situation could escalate and put you in more danger. In addition, arguing won't convince the driver to change their story.
  • #2: Call the police. Call the police at the scene and get a copy of the police report. If you remain calm and tell the police the truth, they may realize the other driver is lying and caused the collision.
  • #3: Collect contact information. Obtain the contact information for the at-fault driver, their insurance company, and any eyewitnesses who saw the crash happen and can corroborate how the other driver's negligence caused it.
  • #4: Take photos. While waiting for the police to arrive, take pictures of the damage to the vehicles, road conditions, skid marks, and anything else that would help your personal injury lawyer determine the cause of the accident. Also, photograph your injuries.
  • #5: Seek medical care. Take care of your health by being examined by a doctor within 72 hours of the collision. Doing this will also help you avoid disagreements with the driver's insurance company about the severity of your injuries or what caused them.
  • #6: Consult with an attorney. If the negligent driver is lying about the car accident, you need to immediately retain a personal injury lawyer at Griffen & Stevens, PLLC. We can collect additional evidence, such as surveillance or traffic video footage and cellphone records, and hire an accident reconstruction expert to prove the cause of the crash. If necessary, we'll take your case to a jury trial to help you obtain the total value of your claim.